Rodent Pest Control

Don’t let rodents turn your home into a mouse-eum!

Initial Service

We'll assess pest problems, clean out webs and strive for 100% satisfaction - every time.

Regular Service

We'll create a custom treatment plan and come by monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly to keep your pests away.

Rodent Pest Control Services by Conquest Pest Control in Fresno, CA

Rodents, such as rats and mice, are a common problem for many homes and businesses in Fresno, CA. They not only pose a health risk but can also cause damage to your property. That’s why it’s important to have effective rodent pest control services in place to protect your home or business. At Conquest Pest Control, we offer comprehensive rodent pest control services to help you get rid of these pesky creatures for good.

Our Rodent Pest Control Services

Inspection and Identification

The first step in our rodent pest control services is to inspect your property thoroughly to determine the extent of the infestation. Our trained technicians will identify the type of rodent and the severity of the problem.

Exclusion and Sealing

Once we’ve identified the problem, we’ll seal all entry points that rodents use to gain access to your property. This includes sealing cracks, gaps, and other openings around pipes, doors, and windows.

Trapping and Removal

We use humane traps to catch and remove rodents from your property. Our technicians will check the traps regularly and remove any rodents that are caught.

Cleanup and Sanitation

Rodents can leave behind droppings, urine, and other debris that can pose a health risk. That’s why we offer cleanup and sanitation services to ensure your property is clean and safe after the rodent infestation has been eliminated.

Prevention and Maintenance

Our goal is not only to eliminate the current infestation but also to prevent future ones from occurring. We’ll provide you with tips and advice on how to prevent rodents from entering your property in the future, and we offer ongoing maintenance services to ensure your home or business remains pest-free.

Rodents can enter your property through small cracks and crevices, and they’re often attracted to food and moisture sources.
Rodents can spread bacteria and pathogens that can cause illness, and their droppings and urine can trigger allergies and asthma symptoms.
The length of time it takes to eliminate a rodent infestation depends on the severity of the problem. Our technicians will be able to provide you with an estimate based on the results of the inspection.
Yes, we use safe, eco-friendly products that are not harmful to children or pets.
Keeping your property clean and free of clutter, sealing cracks and crevices, and storing food in airtight containers can all help prevent rodents from entering your property.
Prefer to talk to us? Give us a call!

Ready to be rodent free?